Concussion IMU Device

This project was a 8 month long Capstone project for our client, UBC SimPL.

September, 2019-March, 2020

Verilog Test Bench Skeleton Automation

A short project created after realizing the redundancy of creating test benches as well as realizing the possiblity of human error. This script makes use of Tkinker library and Regex for data parsing.

November, 2018-February, 2019

Digital Systems Design Course

Practical labs done with the DE1-SoC by Altera. Topics include state machine design, FPGA architecture, memory access, timing, asynchronous state machines and a brief coverage of neural networks. Full list of labs included below:

September, 2018-December, 2018

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Spherical Wrist Laser Projector

This is a project done for UBC EE's third year design studio class. My role in the team of four was to work in the motors team to create a DC motor from scratch. The goal of the project was to create a two motor spherical wrist to control a laser that would then draw a shape. Our team's project was able to draw a ghost shape

January, 2018-April, 2018

Simple Mail Client

A simple mail client made using Python for ELEC331. Used as a learning excercise to better understand first hand the SMTP protocol (created without the smtplib module for Python obviously...that would defeat the purpose).

November, 2018-February, 2019

*Still in process of adding all my projects!*